November 28, 2023

Solving Clinician Burnout with Technology

Clinician burnout has become almost synonymous with working in the medical field, particularly in the wake of COVID-19 and its catastrophic effects on the healthcare industry. From 2021 to 2022 alone, the American Medical Association reports that the amount of physicians claiming symptoms of burnout increased drastically from 38% to 63%.

However, the actual pandemic, or its aftermath, aren’t singularly to blame for the increased levels of reported clinical burnout. A 2022 Medscape survey revealed the number one reported reason for burnout from surveyed physicians was the overwhelming amount of bureaucratic tasks and paperwork they had to sift through every shift. It wasn’t the influx of patients and new treatments (what physicians do best), but the increased amounts of tedious paperwork that came with processing those patients. 

A similar study conducted by American Nurses Foundation and released November 2023 revealed the same surprising truth about why nurses are feeling so stressed and exhausted in their roles. Of the 7400 nurses surveyed, the number one reason given for their burnout was feeling understaffed in their practices, followed by having an overwhelming  patient load and subsequent clinical task volume. 

Most physicians get into the medical field because they are passionate about giving quality medical care to their patients. Between mountains of paperwork, staff shortages and increasing patient loads, clinicians get further away from that core calling – to provide care. 

Healthcare practices nationwide are facing the same problem. There are many effective strategies healthcare systems are employing to reduce or eliminate clinician burnout, such as committing to an inclusive, positive work environment, providing ample opportunity for physician feedback, and reducing administrative burdens. But there is one holistic strategy with the potential to impact burnout, budgets, and patient outcomes: enabling a strong tech solution. 

More and more CEO’s are investing in AI-powered documentation tools to help modernize the way clinicians complete paperwork and administrative tasks. By introducing automation and clinical intelligence platforms to their digital systems, physicians can get out from behind the paperwork and back to their patients. 

For example, after implementing Playback Health technologies, Lenox Hill Hospital reported that in 2020 they had the highest patient satisfaction scores in a decade, along with a reduction in hospital stays because of better provider communication and coordination. More specifically, The Department of Neurosurgery at Lenox Hill Hospital had patient satisfaction scores of new highs at 99% for doctor communication, understanding, and overall satisfaction with care. Using Playback Notes, neurosurgeons reported saving up to 3 hours in time a day. 

Clinical intelligence and AI tools like ambient listening have the power to save time, improve clinician workflows and boost patient outcomes. It’s a win for clinicians, a win for administration, and a win for patients. 

Find out how Playback Health’s clinical intelligence can give you back time to care.  Get in touch today for a free trial

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